My wife is the queen in our house when it comes to storing things in a tidy manner. We have a small basket in our living room that we use for storing the plethora of ear plugs, power supplies, extension cords and other cables that come with iPads, iPhones and other devices. However neat you roll up the cables they always manage to get themselves in a knot. One day she came up with a great solution for keeping the cables from becoming one big spaghetti. Hair clamps.
Organize your cables and keep them neatly rolled up using plastic hair clamps. The plain, single color clamps, are very cheap and come in different sizes. The solution is absolutely brillant and works very well. I immediately adopted it in my studio where even my neatly hung up cables still manage to get in a clutter. Well no more. If you want you can also get the clamps with glitters, butterflies and flowers to impress your clients 😀