German Hofa plugin developer is holding a Christmas Mix and Remix contest with two times €1000,- to be won for the best Mix and Remix of the German Christmas song “O, Come Emanuel”. The song is recorded in HOFA’s own studio and comprises of 41 high quality tracks in 24-bit – 44.1 kHz.
To get to the download link for the 792 MB zip-file with all the tracks you need to enter your e-mail address. The contest is open to everyone but there’s one very small catch. Hofa has only provided information on the contest in German. But that shouldn’t stop you. Google translate is there to help. Here’s the link to the page on Hofa’s website. While on Hofa’s website have a look at their excelent IQ-EQ plugin which they let you use 3 months for free as a small Christmas token.
What’s even better about this contest is that it is a perfect opportunity to try out Mix Buddy 😉