Apple today released a major update of Logic Pro X. The new version of Apple’s DAW software receives better 12-core Mac Pro support, lots of bug fixes and over 300 new features.
One of the most notable updates since Apple released Logic Pro X delivers many bug fixes and lots of improvements. One of the biggest improvements must be the enhanced 12-core Mac pro support which now allows proper use of multi threading of the 24 virtual cores. Along with advanced processing power for 12-core Mac Pros, Logic Pro X version 10.0.7 comes with lots of bug fixes and improvements.
Here’s a short list of the improvements in version 10.0.7:
– Supports 24 processing threads on 12-core Mac Pro models
– Low Latency Mode no longer creates sync issues for Drummer, Ultrabeat, Native Instruments Machine and other plug-ins with integrated step sequencers
– Volume, pan, and send values for selected tracks can now be inserted at the playhead position
– Automation can now be copied and pasted to any location using the Marquee tool
– Adds an option for MIDI volume and pan data to control the instrument plug-in instead of the channel strip
– Various fixes that improve XML import and export with Final Cut Pro X
– Some snap and alignment guide issues are now resolved
– Multiple Accessibility enhancements.
An extensive list of all the changes in Logic Pro X 10.0.7 can be found on Apple’s website.
The update is available for free via the Software Update function in Mac OS X.