Social media is everywhere and used alongside many other media, with tv being one of the most important one. How can you leverage social media to improve your ratings?
Avid lets you discover how to create a successful social media strategy in their latest webinar that can be watched online now. Here’s the explanation from Avid’s webite.
Over 170 million US adults have active social accounts—and they spend up to 30% of their online time using social networks. How can your organization leverage social media to improve ratings?
Hear a panel of news industry leaders from WorldNow, Capitol Broadcasting, Scripps, and Avid discuss how news broadcasters can create a winning social media strategy.
– Find out how to engage with audiences and drive them to your broadcasts
– Learn to leverage technology to meet social media content demands
– Discover how to stand out on Facebook and Twitter
– Understand social media best practices
Watch the webinar now and see how to boost your ratings using an effective social media strategy.